8th Annual Super Bowl 2025 Quiz Game

Entry Fee

Submissions (and payment) must be received before 4:00pm EST Sunday, February 9th for consideration.
Payment of $10 must be submitted to Ted Riolo via Venmo (click or scan QR code below) before the deadline. One entry per person, but several members of the same household are encouraged to play as well. When paying with Venmo please make sure NOT TO select that you are paying for a service. This charges a fee that is lost to Venmo and will require another small transaction to send the full payment and be officially entered. Also make sure to indicate who you are paying for when sending the payment through Venmo.

Game Rules

Each correct answer is worth between 1-3 points (listed with each question) for a combined total score of 100 points. The final question will be used only to break a tie where the answer closest (higher or lower) to the final combined score of the Super Bowl will win. If still tied, the player who submitted their entry first will win.

Live Scoreboard

An hour before the game begins you can access the live scoreboard here. You’ll be able to track in real time your score and position relative to everyone else playing. Watch as you rise (or fall) on the leaderboard and keep track of the money you’ve won as the game progresses. More on that below.


This year there will be seven different opportunities to win a share of the prize pot, with an estimated 20+ players winning back at least double their entry fee and one first prize winner taking home half of the total pot!

Current Prize Pot: $1860

  • First Prize (50%): Best Final Score
  • Consolation Prize (10%): The players who finish in 2nd, 3rd, 50th, 100th, and dead last will share 10% of the prize pot.
  • Fast Start Bonus (10%): Any player who correctly answers the first seven questions (the section labeled Pre-Game – First Quarter) will share 10% of the prize pot, regardless of their final score.
  • Halftime Bonus (5%): Any player who correctly answers all five halftime questions will share 5% of the prize pot, regardless of their final score.
  • Anytime Bonus (5%): Any player who correctly answers all six “anytime” questions will share 5% of the prize pot, regardless of their final score.
  • Referral Bonus (5%): The three players with the most referrals, and the person(s) who referred the best and worst place finishers, will share 5% of the prize pot.
  • Field Goal Bonus (15%): I’ll explain this below, but the players who win this will share 15% of the prize pot.
  • Note: Players can win multiple bonus and consolation prizes, but the First Prize winner will be removed from any bonus they may have previously won. If no player earns a perfect score in one of the three bonus sections, but a limited number of players are nearly perfect, they may be awarded the prize instead.

Field Goal Bonus Explanation

To keep the game exciting for everyone, even those who are terrible guessers, we’re keeping a unique bonus this year. Throughout the entire game, whenever a team attempts a field goal kick, three players will be on the cusp of joining this prize pool. At the time the field goal is attempted the combined score of the football game is the number that decides which three players are in contention. If the kick is successful, the player who’s in the same rank as the combined score will win. If the kick is no-good, we double that number and take that ranked player. And if the ball hits either of the uprights, or the cross bar (regardless of whether it is good) we triple it and take that rank. When the score is 0-0, the players in first, second and third place will be in play.

For example, if the score is 7-0 when the kick is attempted, and the field goal is good, then the player in 7th place would win. If it’s no-good, the player in 14th (double) place would win. And if it hits an upright or crossbar the player in 21st (triple) place would win. I will keep track of this and point out who is on the line before each kick at the top of our live scoreboard. All of the players who have won this bonus will share 15% of the total pot.

Payouts, Live Chat and Fine Print

Payouts will be sent to winners in the same form as the pay in. Initial results will be posted on the scoreboard following the game, final results certified by 12:00pm the following day with payments to follow.

Last year we setup a WhatsApp group to use as a live chat forum during the Super Bowl and it was a lot of fun. I’ll be posting messages about lead changes, announcing answers and field goal bonuses, and whatever else seems interesting as the game progresses. You can join that group with THIS LINK, or QR code below.This game was designed first and foremost as a source of entertainment. I make every effort to be accurate and complete, but mistakes are possible. If there is a mistake which is objectively wrong, it will be corrected before certifying the results. But small differences of opinion are not up for review. It’s a game and I’m sure you’ll find at least $10 of enjoyment in playing.

Good Luck, Have Fun!



Entries are closed. If you send Ted a message, you might still be able to get in.